Accepted as a community of practice by Universities South Africa
Registered with SARS as a Public Benefit Organisation
Listed on the National Central Suppliers Database
Registered with the Department of Social Development as a Non-Profit Organisation
NPO no: 078-484

Higher Education Disability Services Association (HEDSA) is an advocacy and rights-based non-profit organisation representing disability services in Higher Education Institutions in South Africa, and is recognised and endorsed by the Department of Higher Education and Training, as well as being accepted as a community of practice by Universities South Africa.

HEDSA Brand Launch and Summit 25- 26 March 2025
Registration deadline extended to 7th March 2025
Registration Form
Click here to read more
HEDSA Community News Highlights
HEDSA Eastern Cape Disability Region held their first executive meeting of the year
Enrolment of Students with Disabilities and role of Disability Units
VUT advances disability inclusion with online recruitment training session
Pioneering disability inclusion: Wits DRU and Afretec lead the way
The importance of creating awareness of Invisible Disabilities in Institutions of Higher Learning
UJ launches Disability Forum, championing accessibility and inclusion
Mandela University’s Dr Nosiphiwo Delubom elected as Chairperson of HEDSA
TUT disability activist elected as HEDSA Chairperson
USAf task team on implementation of disability policy framework -UFS and HEDSA representatives
Online Learning Resources:
Looking for how to assist students with disabilities with online learning?
Postgraduate Diploma in Disability Studies

Dr Nosiphiwo Delubom
Chairperson, NMU
Dr Leila Abdool Gafoor
Vice-Chairperson, WITS
Ms Charity Morrison
Secretary, UFS
Ms Anneline Taljaard
Interim Treasurer, Boland TVET College
Dr Maria Ramaahlo
Publicity and Communications, UJ
Mr Nceba Nyanda
Co-opted Member, Lovedale TVET College
SAUS Representative
SATVETSA Representative
As the HEDSA community we make use of a list serve to share best practices, ask questions, advise, guide learn from others and just share knowledge and information. If you would like to be added to the listserv, please make contact with Dr Maria Ramaahlo (HEDSA Publicity and Communication) or Ms Charity Morrison (HEDSA Secretariat), at hedsa001@gmail.com, or
HEDSA 2025 Membership Database Registration Form
Mandela University’s Dr Nosiphiwo Delubom elected as Chairperson of HEDSA
TUT disability activist elected as HEDSA Chairperson
USAf task team on implementation of disability policy framework -UFS and HEDSA representatives